Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers
By Charles Bradlaugh 14 Sep, 2019
FROM THE PREFACE......In these pages, appearing under the title of "Half-Hours with the Freethinkers," are collected in a readable form an abstract of the lives and doctrines of some of those who have stood foremost in the ranks of Free-thought in al ... Read more
FROM THE PREFACE......In these pages, appearing under the title of "Half-Hours with the Freethinkers," are collected in a readable form an abstract of the lives and doctrines of some of those who have stood foremost in the ranks of Free-thought in all countries and in all ages; and we trust that our efforts to place in the hands of the poorest of our party a knowledge of works and workers—some of which and whom would otherwise be out of their reach—will be received by all in a favorable light. We shall, in the course of our publication, have to deal with many writers whose opinions widely differ from our own, and it shall be our care to deal with them justly and in all cases to allow them to utter in their own words their essential thinkings. We lay no claim to originality in the mode of treatment—we will endeavor to cull the choicest flowers from the garden, and if others can make a brighter or better bouquet, we shall be glad to have their assistance. We have only one object in view, and that is, the presenting of free and manly thoughts to our readers, hoping to induce like thinking in them, and trust-ing that noble work may follow noble thoughts. The Freethinkers we intend treating of have also been Free Workers, endeavoring to raise men's minds from superstition and bigotry, and place before them a knowledge of the real. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 275.357 KB
  • 327
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1534967083
Charles Bradlaugh (26 September 1833 – 30 January 1891) was an English political activist and atheist. He founded the National Secular Society in 1866. In 1880, Bradlaugh was elected as the Liber...
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