Become: 91 Days to Your Most Powerful, Purposeful Life
by Todd Sivers 2020-05-30 16:44:41
God has concealed a powerful treasure of purpose within you. Discover it, share it,and transform into who you were created to be. We're living in the best of times. There are more opportunities available to you right now than at any time in history. ... Read more
God has concealed a powerful treasure of purpose within you. Discover it, share it,and transform into who you were created to be. We're living in the best of times. There are more opportunities available to you right now than at any time in history. You have a right and a responsibility to become. You can become uniquely powerful and create the life you've always wanted very, very quickly. But we're living in precarious times. There is a huge global secret that is changing everything about the way we live and function as human beings. If you don't act quickly and decisively, you could be setting your family up to struggle for generations to come. Act now, or your children, your children's children, their children, and your great, great grandchildren may suffer the consequences of your hesitation.Becoming someone better and more powerful than you currently are isn't about self-improvement. It's about transformation. All the willpower and intention you can manage will never change a thing about your life. Not until you have a crystal clear 'why'. Once you know your unique purpose clearly, all the stuff you know you need to change will change easily. God didn't create one single average person. Every human on earth is uniquely powerful. Everyone has a unique, specific purpose. Everyone has a different purpose. Everyone will become in their own unique way. But most people stop trying to become at some point and settle for being entertained, stable, and stagnant. That is, I believe, the greatest tragedy in the world. Because those people still become. But because they don't do it intentionally, they become weaker, less confident, and more complacent. They become smaller spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and relationally while they often become bigger physically. Don't let that be you. Don't force the rest of us to live without your powerful influence. Don't settle for less than you were created to become. God has hidden a treasure of unique greatness within you. You have a responsibility to bring it out and share it with the world. The world is anxiously waiting for your unique greatness to emerge. We need the powerful gift you're hiding within you. What are you waiting for? Less
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  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.43
  • 202
  • Independently published
  • February 9, 2020
  • 9798611439715
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