Daughter of a Black Widow Dr. Rhonda E. Carroll Author
2024-04-26 21:56:54
In the time of death, in general, who turns their full attention toward the children? Being the daughter of one whose father was removed from this earth by death, I can speak from personal experience of what it is like once all the noise is quieted. ... Read more
In the time of death, in general, who turns their full attention toward the children? Being the daughter of one whose father was removed from this earth by death, I can speak from personal experience of what it is like once all the noise is quieted. After all the services and recognitions, children are left with the aftermath of a loss while wondering how the living parent is doing too. This book, Daughter of a Black Widow, shares a firsthand account of the thoughts and feelings of a ten-year-old girl after the death of her father. This girl witnesses the movements of her mother and shares how these movements helped shape her life in a way that is destined to leave a prominent legacy. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781796024876
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