Emotional Manipulation: Protect yourself from Narcissists and Abusive People. Learn how to overcome Fear and Anxiety as an Empath. Recover from Narcis
by Ellen Preston 2020-05-26 04:31:11
Would you like to know a method for avoiding toxic relationships and live a better life? Then keep reading...Have you ever been with your partner and felt a sense of dread even in the most innocent of situations? Why do you feel crushed, confused, ti... Read more
Would you like to know a method for avoiding toxic relationships and live a better life? Then keep reading...Have you ever been with your partner and felt a sense of dread even in the most innocent of situations? Why do you feel crushed, confused, tired or drained? Why do you feel unhappy?Toxic love is a desire for the continuous pleasure of intense highs delivered by an unreliable partner. In its grip, the rest of the world fades in importance - job, schoolwork, children, friends. If this sounds familiar, you may be in a relationship with a narcissist. If you have a narcissist in your life, you are likely feeling blindsided by the abuse you may suffer, doubting yourself and your own sanity at times due to the narcissist's charisma and manipulation.This book covers the following topics:What is a toxic relationship and why do partners hurt you?;Types of toxic relationships;Manipulators, Psychopaths and Narcissists;What is narcissistic abuse;What causes narcissism?;Strategies of narcissists against their victims;How to handle narcissistic behaviors;Emotional and psychological reasons why victims keep staying with a narcissist;What is emotional manipulation and what are the signs to recognize it;Manipulative tactics partners use to control relationships;Methods, tips and strategies to recover;Step by step guidelines on how to protect yourself;How to detach from the narcissist and begin the healing journey from narcissistic abuse;What is an empath?;Empath friendships and relationships;Strategies to overcome fear and anxiety;Empath healing;Emotional healing methods;Practical exercises to learn how to protect yourself from taking negative energy;...And much more!Narcissists whisper lies into your ear but you can choose not to listen to them. You can choose to focus on the truth, without regard for the narcissist's spun web of lies. You can choose to pursue a life in which your sole purpose is not wrapped around someone else. You can choose to break free of the manipulation and emotional abuse in which the narcissist has trapped you.With this book in your hand, you will be prepared to combat any narcissists you may have in your life. You will be guided through the steps you will need to take to protect yourself and work toward a happier, healthier life in which you actually find enjoyment and value. You have so much more value and potential than the narcissist wants you to believe.Are you ready? Get this book today, scroll up and click the buy now button! Less
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  • Print pages
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  • ISBN
  • 6.00(w)x9.00(h)x0.69
  • 328
  • Independently published
  • April 14, 2020
  • 9798637096305
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