Extreme Sport-Sky Diving Sandy Hall Author
2024-04-25 13:31:39
1.Be aware of the risk and requirements2 Choose a method of training3 Find a Drop Zone4 Set a date and jump!5 Get licensedSo the first question in your mind is obviously: So, how safe is skydiving? And the frank answer is: Skydiving is not ten pin bo... Read more
1.Be aware of the risk and requirements2 Choose a method of training3 Find a Drop Zone4 Set a date and jump!5 Get licensedSo the first question in your mind is obviously: So, how safe is skydiving? And the frank answer is: Skydiving is not ten pin bowling. There are some very real risks involved but as with any other extreme sport there is a direct relationship between your knowledge, skill and attitude and your chances of enjoying the sport for many years to come.As you probably know statistics can be manipulated to tell you whatever you want to hear. They can be manipulated to make skydiving look very safe or very dangerous. We're not going to swamp you with numbers to tell you how skydiving is safer than crossing the street or try to prove to you that it's safer to skydive than to drive to your local store. The USPA over a 10 year period reports an average of about 35 skydiving fatalities per year in the USA. Skydivers make hundreds of thousands of jumps each year. It is a sport with very real risks (otherwise you might not be interested!), but those can be easily and effectively mitigated through training and good judgment.Considering that students comprise the bulk of participants in the sport, relatively few fatal accidents involve student skydivers. This is due largely to the design of skydiving equipment used for students and the quality of instruction and care provided at most skydiving schools. All parachutes are designed for reliability, but student gear is also designed to be easy to use and forgiving.Skydiving accidents rarely result from equipment failure or bad luck. Remember: knowledge, skill and attitude. It's about you as the individual. Even though this is a dangerous sport, if you exercise your new skills, keep your cool and do everything you're taught to do, you should be fine. Phew! Less
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