Idle Hours in a Library
By William Henry Hudson 22 Jun, 2020
It is a vintage collection of William Henry Hudson. This book is one his finest works of all time.It is the purpose of the present paper to give some glimpses of every-day life in the English metropolis in the latter part of the sixteenth and the ear ... Read more
It is a vintage collection of William Henry Hudson. This book is one his finest works of all time.It is the purpose of the present paper to give some glimpses of every-day life in the English metropolis in the latter part of the sixteenth and the early part of the seventeenth centuries. Our subject will take us from the main highways of history into by-paths illuminated by the popular literature of the time. It is not the grave historian, the statesman, or the philosopher, but rather the common playwright, the ballad-monger, the pamphleteer, whom we must take here as our guides. Yet ere we intrust ourselves to their care it will not be amiss if, with the view of making the clearer what we shall presently have to say, we pause for a moment at the outset to consider some of the more general aspects of the period with which we are to deal.  Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 276.769 KB
  • 258
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1331598114
William Henry Hudson (4 Aug 1841 – 18 Aug 1922) was an author, naturalist, and ornithologist. He spent his youth studying the local flora and fauna and observing both natural and human dramas on wha...
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