Martial Art of the Mind
by Jeff Janoda 2020-09-04 19:55:26
Statistically you and I have very little chance of being shot or being crushed by a falling building. But there is a great likelihood that we are already imprisoned, even tortured or manipulated by things we do not even acknowledge as being dangerous... Read more
Statistically you and I have very little chance of being shot or being crushed by a falling building. But there is a great likelihood that we are already imprisoned, even tortured or manipulated by things we do not even acknowledge as being dangerous or capable of trapping us. What we believe or imagine about who we are, or what we are not, is for many people an incredibly potent torturer and jailer. But many of what a friend calls her demons are unbelievably subtle, and capture us, restrict us, shut out the possibility of a full life, or being able to respond with our own creativity. The real problem is that we often accept this as normal or barely notice them. So here is a way to break out of restrictions. Not positive thinking or meditation, just Martial Art for the Mind. Less
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • January 14, 2016
  • 507e9550-92ab-49bd-bba2-5d632e08f72a
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