Pray Like Epaphras Sheshi Kaniki Author
2024-04-30 22:26:52
Praying for each other is an essential part of being a Christian. Our prayers make a difference for our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. For many of us, this is something we would like to do with greater consistency and passion.Sheshi Kani... Read more
Praying for each other is an essential part of being a Christian. Our prayers make a difference for our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. For many of us, this is something we would like to do with greater consistency and passion.Sheshi Kaniki examines the prayer life of Epaphras as an inspiring example for us to follow. The factors that motivated Epaphras to fervent and continuous prayer – meaningful connection to a church community, devotion to the gospel, and faithfulness in serving Jesus – are laid out as qualities that can become a greater reality in our lives.If you are looking to grow in praying for other Christians, this book is for you.Sheshi Kaniki (PhD, Wits University) was born in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, where he is lead pastor of God’s Tribe church. Sheshi has also worked as an economist in international development, the private sector and academia. He is married to Trudie and they have four children. Less
  • ISBN
  • 2940163233991
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