Pressed Into Care: Words to uplift adult children of aging parents Julie-Allyson Ieron Author
2024-05-19 12:07:12
Who Cares For Exhausted Caregivers? In the pages of Pressed into Care, you'll be encouraged and re-energized. Enjoy these thirty impassioned, daily readings that address the vast nuances and divergent emotions you'll experience while caring for thos... Read more
Who Cares For Exhausted Caregivers? In the pages of Pressed into Care, you'll be encouraged and re-energized. Enjoy these thirty impassioned, daily readings that address the vast nuances and divergent emotions you'll experience while caring for those you love as they move through the stages of aging. Julie is intent on building you up, because, as she knows from experience, caregivers of others may be the last ones to care for themselves. Each entry features true-to-life content that's equal parts heaven's truth and earth's grit. Julie is honest about the journey. She writes out of her deepest heart-in the hopes that in being transparent, she'll have the privilege of reaching your heart with the comforts and the challenges she's received along the journey. Now, then, let's get real about what happens when we get Pressed Into Care for our aging loved ones. You'll come away from each session refreshed and energized for another day of compassionate caregiving. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781945818240
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