Ruth Fielding and the Gypsies; Or, The Missing Pearl Necklace
By Alice B. Emerson 16 Jul, 2020
Helen and Tom Cameron plan an automobile trip upstream with Ruth Fielding. Soon after the friends depart, they seek shelter from a storm in an old farmhouse and are frightened by a couple of rough-looking gypsies. Ruth hears the men discussing a weal ... Read more
Helen and Tom Cameron plan an automobile trip upstream with Ruth Fielding. Soon after the friends depart, they seek shelter from a storm in an old farmhouse and are frightened by a couple of rough-looking gypsies. Ruth hears the men discussing a wealthy old woman, a valuable necklace, and how they will no longer take risks for her. Ruth wonders what it all means. Later, the chums continue on their way, but Tom's car breaks down. He goes for help, leaving Ruth and Helen alone. Some gypsies offer to help Ruth and Helen, but Ruth is suspicious. Helen insists that they accept the gypsies' help and leaves a note for Tom. Unknown to the two girls, the gypsies remove the note, leaving no clue as to where the girls went. Soon after the girls join the gypsy caravan, they realize that they are in danger. The gypsies intend to keep them captive and demand ransom from their families. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 291.408 KB
  • 144
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1434694058
Alice B. Emerson was a pseudonym used by the Stratemeyer Syndicate for the Betty Gordon and Ruth Fielding series of children's novels. The writers taking up the pen of Alice B. Emerson were: Josephine...
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