The D.C. Daily: 12 Week Edition
by Alex Darby 2020-05-28 16:06:21
Alex discovered a rather obvious link between emotional stability and self-care whilst going through chemo. When she looked after herself, ate well, drank water and generally showed herself some love, she was able to cope with all the curve balls can... Read more
Alex discovered a rather obvious link between emotional stability and self-care whilst going through chemo. When she looked after herself, ate well, drank water and generally showed herself some love, she was able to cope with all the curve balls cancer threw at her. Yet when she fell off that self-made love wagon she sank into the depths of despair and was unable to deal with pretty much anything. Using herself as her own experiment it became obvious really fast (and way more enjoyable) that all she had to do was follow four steps every day that seemed really simple, yet were totally life-changing. It always started with her body. She was going through brutal chemo so everything felt amplified, but even in those unusual circumstances, when she planned her food, drank the right amount of water, got some exercise (even when she had to drag herself out) and made sleep a priority she was great. She handled the millions of consultations, tests, results, chemo recovery and everything in-between as a divorced mum of one four-year-old girl, corporate warrior and all-round busy girl. The minute she fell off that wagon, the world ended. She relied on the magpies (two by two) to give her optimism, she stopped dragging herself outside and would favour a rose over a green juice in a flash, whatever the time of day. A few times dancing this dance and it became glaringly obvious what she had to do. Eat well, hydrate, walk, sleep and wash, rinse and repeat. She was then able to move onto the next step. Clarity. When feeling good she could see the wood for the trees, talk to her consultants about her plan, look beyond her treatment plan towards her own recovery plan and beyond and make it all happen. Then she saw that obstacles kept getting in the way, of the doubting Thomas kind. She was so used to believing everything was going to shit that she didn't know who she was without those worries. She needed to clear out her outdated beliefs about what her reality was now, not what it used to be. She started to see that her experiences reflected her beliefs like she was seeing a projector playing the movie of her thoughts within everyone she came across. As soon as she started to change her thoughts with her newfound clarity, she could steer towards the experiences she actually wanted in her life, not the ones she'd been playing on repeat. The final piece of the four-step plan was to stay motivated and consistent. The only way to do that was to repeat every day her care routine, her clarity routine and her clearout routine. Small steps every day even when she was full of resistance. In fact, the resistance was where the gold was buried. Feeling pretty smug about the whole thing as it saw her through chemo, mastectomies, reconstruction, surgical menopause and beyond all with a positive determination, a plan and a future to reach for, she started to share this method with her clients, and pretty much everyone who would listen. Everyone started to see miracles pop up all over the place, feel full of energy and be able to get on where previously they'd been stuck. And that's how The D.C. Daily was created. It's the four steps for a weekly review and a daily practice. It takes around ten minutes a day and, if done consistently, will change your outlook on life. Less
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  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 8.50(w)x11.00(h)x0.6
  • 322
  • Independently published
  • February 13, 2020
  • 9798613465132
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