The Dodd Family Abroad, Vol. II.(of II)
By Charles James Lever 8 Sep, 2020
Excerpt....... My dear Tom,—I got the papers all safe. I am sure the account is perfectly correct. I only wish the balance was bigger. I waited here to receive these things, and now I discover that I can't sign the warrant of attorney except before ... Read more
Excerpt....... My dear Tom,—I got the papers all safe. I am sure the account is perfectly correct. I only wish the balance was bigger. I waited here to receive these things, and now I discover that I can't sign the warrant of attorney except before a consul, and there is none in this place so that I must keep it over till I can find one of those pleasant functionaries,—a class that between ourselves I detest heartily. They are a presumptuous, under-bred, consequential race,—a cross between a small skipper and smaller Secretary of Legation, with a mixture of official pedantry and maritime off-handedness that is perfectly disgusting. Why our reforming economists don't root them all out I cannot conceive. Nobody wants, nobody benefits by them; and save that you are now and then called on for a "consular fee," you might never hear of their existence. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 1823.463 KB
  • 298
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1318993857
Charles James Lever (31 August 1806 – 1 June 1872) was an Irish novelist and raconteur, whose novels, according to Anthony Trollope, were just like his conversation. Lever was born in Amiens Str...
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