The Revival Of Sun Mountain Danielle Pettibone Author
2024-04-30 22:25:18
n the battle between the light and the darkness twenty-one women hold the ultimate weapon.Racquel Marizzona lives in captivity, enslaved for the power coursing through her. In a desperate attempt at escape she plunges into a world she doesn't underst... Read more
n the battle between the light and the darkness twenty-one women hold the ultimate weapon.Racquel Marizzona lives in captivity, enslaved for the power coursing through her. In a desperate attempt at escape she plunges into a world she doesn't understand. With danger creeping closer from every direction one voice dispels the chaos of it all.Iskar Kyliahn, kidnapped and imprisoned, tries for weeks to reach out to his people to no avail, so when a fleeing stranger hears his call he does everything in his power to coax her to him. In doing so he realizes an ancient bond has been forged between them.With both her Master and his captor after them can they escape their respective prisons alive? And if they do will Racquel's light be enough to keep the darkness inside of Iskar from destroying them both? Less
  • ISBN
  • 2940162537946
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