The Weirdness of Willow Street: The History Project Danielle Williamson Author
2024-04-25 03:29:56
Pete, Alyce, and Lily are back at it again with another WEIRD adventure! Seventh grade started off without a hitch, until third period that is. That's when the three friends were assigned a massive history project that was due in two weeks! Pete wa... Read more
Pete, Alyce, and Lily are back at it again with another WEIRD adventure! Seventh grade started off without a hitch, until third period that is. That's when the three friends were assigned a massive history project that was due in two weeks! Pete was planning to fly solo this year, after last year's episode, but his hopes were quickly crushed by Lily. As the friends begin working on their projects, things begin to go haywire. It seems that Willow Street has other plans for them, as they are plunged into another mysterious journey, Alyce begins to discover shocking clues along the way, that are confirmed by the people they meet, that they are indeed being led further away from home! Pete, Alyce, and Lily have to put their heads together to figure their way out of this one, but things aren't looking too good. The completion of their project became secondary, as their main goal was getting back to Willow Street in time. Present time that is. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9781667807713
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