What The Sun Sees Tami Veldura Author
2024-04-30 22:24:09
Dive into the world of Queenships, where a single big risk can change the universe.Crane is a small power on a big stage with one critical asset: Central Warp Station. For a price, any family can warp to well-known star systems at the heart of the ga... Read more
Dive into the world of Queenships, where a single big risk can change the universe.Crane is a small power on a big stage with one critical asset: Central Warp Station. For a price, any family can warp to well-known star systems at the heart of the galaxy to harvest the hydrogen their Queenships need to fly. But Crane won't stay small for long.Catlali wants a big paycheck for the upcoming holiday, and Mx. Crane has just the job she's looking for. An experimental box meant to capture unstable hydrogen in a volatile star system. The risk: mortal. The reward: monumental. Catlali is eager to fly.File this mission under SNAFU. Less
  • ISBN
  • 2940161695968
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