Teaching Towards Musical Understanding: A Handbook for the Elementary Grades
by Amanda Montgomery 2020-11-23 18:51:57
Appropriate for use in Elementary Music Methods course offered in most education programs in universities and university-colleges across Canada. Appropriate for use in Elementary Music Methods courses offered in most education and music programs... Read more

Appropriate for use in Elementary Music Methods course offered in most education programs in universities and university-colleges across Canada.

Appropriate for use in Elementary Music Methods courses offered in most education and music programs in universities and university-colleges across Canada, Teaching Towards Musical Understanding: A Handbook for the Elementary Grades, provides pre-service teachers with a comprehensive look at teaching music to children in the elementary grades. Age appropriate music, classroom activities, and teaching strategies are provided for all aspects of elementary school music. Research is presented side by side with its pedagogical implications leading students to make significant connections between theory and practice. This text is ideal for pre-service education students who will be required to teach music as generalist/classroom teachers as well as teachers who are preparing to be music specialists. This is the only Canadian text available for either audience.

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 10 X 8 X 0.75 in
  • 384
  • Pearson Education
  • February 1, 2002
  • English
  • 9780130173942
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