The Bible Now
by Richard Elliott Friedman 2020-11-23 18:53:51
For millennia, people have used the Bible as a touchstone on important social and political questions, and rightly so. But many use the Bible simply as a weapon to wield against opponents in a variety of debates - without knowing what the Bible actua... Read more
For millennia, people have used the Bible as a touchstone on important social and political questions, and rightly so. But many use the Bible simply as a weapon to wield against opponents in a variety of debates - without knowing what the Bible actually says about the issue in question.In The Bible Now, two respected biblical scholars, Richard Elliott Friedman and Shawna Dolansky, tell us carefully what the Hebrew Bible says or does not say about a wide range of issues - including homosexuality, abortion, women''s status, capital punishment, and the environment. In fascinatingpassages that shed new light on some of today''s most passionate disputes, the authors reveal how the Bible is frequently misunderstood, misquoted, mistranslated, and misused. For instance, those who quote the Bible in condemning homosexuality often cite the story of Sodom, and those who favorhomosexuality point to David''s lament over the death of Jonathan. But as the authors show, neither passage is clearly about homosexuality, and these texts do not offer solid footing on which to make an argument. Readers learn that female homosexuality is not prohibited - only male homosexuality. Andon the subject of abortion, the Bible is practically silent, with one extraordinary exception.The Bible has inspired people to do great good but has also been used by people to do great harm, so it is vitally important for us to pay attention to it - and to get it right. The Bible Now shows us how we can - and cannot - use this ancient source of wisdom to address our most current andpressing issues. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 9.25 X 6.12 X 0.98 in
  • 272
  • Oxford University Press
  • June 1, 2011
  • English
  • 9780195311631
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