The Most High
by Maurice Blanchot 2021-01-20 09:20:49
Maurice Blanchot has been for a half century one of France's leading authors of fiction and theory. Two of his most ambitious works, The Space of Literature and The Writing of the Disaster, are also available in Bison Books editions.
Maurice Blanchot has been for a half century one of France's leading authors of fiction and theory. Two of his most ambitious works, The Space of Literature and The Writing of the Disaster, are also available in Bison Books editions. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780803261907
Maurice Blanchot (22 Sep 1907 – 20 Feb 2003) was a French writer, philosopher, and literary theorist. His work had a strong influence on post-structuralist philosophers such as Gilles Deleuze, Miche...
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