Time Out!
by Dana Mobley-Hammett 2021-01-01 07:12:14
Mrs. Mobley-Hammett''s book speaks to the soul of mankind from a man''spoint of view. What does marriage mean to you? Do you wonder when Mr.or Mrs. will come along, where you''ll find your lifetime partner, or whetherthere is such a thing as the "per... Read more
Mrs. Mobley-Hammett''s book speaks to the soul of mankind from a man''spoint of view. What does marriage mean to you? Do you wonder when Mr.or Mrs. will come along, where you''ll find your lifetime partner, or whetherthere is such a thing as the "perfect marriage?" If we could of seen ourmate in the spiritual realm, we would have eliminated a lot of foolishnessfrom our relationships. There is no manual for how to treat our spousebecause each person is a unique individual and we are all different anddon''t fit into one category of standard approach...so, sometimes it leadsto the blind leading the blind and sometimes we both fall in the ditch. Youget caught up in the small things and the big things go unmet...we evenget caught up in our physical sight and we take for granted the spiritual.And, our men our left to make painful decisions regarding their marriageswhether to go or stay.You may be successful, have a committed spouse, wealthy, a loving familyand lots of friends. Yet, you still are feeling unsatisfied and lonely. Whatwould you do? Is there anything in this life that truly satisfies? The answeris "Yes" our Heavenly Father. God and He offers an inspirational bookcalled the Holy Bible which tells us how to treat our spouses and how tohonor our marriage. Less
  • ISBN
  • 9780399163043
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