The new Universal Serial Bus standard handles everything from joysticks to live video, all at breathtaking speeds. USB devices are coming fast, and built-in USB support is a key feature of Windows 98. Now there's a complete guide to making the most of this hot new connectivity standard: Universal Serial Bus Explained.
Co-authored by the best-selling author of RS-232 Made Easy, this book is written in layman's terms for every interested computer user-and it's comprehensive enough to serve the needs of hardware and software developers. You'll find thorough coverage of:
Universal Serial Bus Explained shows how the USB standard delivers easy peripheral expansion, fast data transfer, guaranteed bandwidth for multimedia, low cost, true "plug-and-play" support, and a whole lot more. It answers today's most frequently asked questions about USB and the new generation of devices that utilize it. Detailed appendices provide more information about the USB specification; Internet-based resources, periodicals and technical conferences;and an extensive source list for USB devices and software. Whether you want to use USB devices or invent them, this is the only USB book you'll ever need. Less