Engineering & Transportation
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Quantitative Ri
Rheological Mea
Restoration of
Rule and Order
Shock Dynamics
Shaped Crystal
Spaceflight Lif
The Finite Elem
Wave Kinematics
Electronic Prop
Advances On Non
Asset Maintenan
Managing Digita
Technician Clas
The Indian or C
Microbial Metab
Welding and Cut
Emerging Techno
API 1169 Pipeli
Advances in Fun
Assembly and Re
Application of
Internet of Thi
Chemical Qualit
Electrical Engi
Computers in Ra
Handbook of Non
Handbook of Adv
Reliability, Ri
Transport Pheno
Gels Handbook:
Reversible Steg
SystemVerilog f
Contaminants in
Fish Analysis f
Nature-based So
Systems Modelin
Gut Remediation
Functional Nano
Innovative Ener
Robust Event-Tr
Progresses in A
Applications of
Applications of
Oil Rig and Sup