David Walker
by David Walker 15 Feb, 2019
Such is the very high esteem which is entertained for the memory of David Walker, and so general is the desire to preserve his “Appeal,” that the subscriber has undertaken, and performed the task of re-publication, with a brief notice of his life ... Read more
Such is the very high esteem which is entertained for the memory of David Walker, and so general is the desire to preserve his “Appeal,” that the subscriber has undertaken, and performed the task of re-publication, with a brief notice of his life, having procured permission from his widow, Mrs. Dewson.The work is valuable, because it was among the first, and was actually the boldest and most direct appeal in behalf of freedom, which was made in the early part of the Anti-Slavery Reformation. When the history of the emancipation of the bondmen of America shall be written, whatever name shall be placed first on the list of heroes, that of the author of the Appeal will not be second. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 90.557 KB
  • 116
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2011-09-01
  • English
  • 9780807869482
David Walker (September 28, 1796 – August 6, 1830)[N 1] was an African-American abolitionist, writer, and anti-slavery activist. Though his father was a slave, his mother was free so therefore he wa...
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