Sioux Indian Courts an Address Delivered by Doane Robinson Before the South Dakota Bar Association, at Pierre, South Dakota, January 21, 1909
by Marilynne Robinson 24 Jan, 2019
In their primitive life the Sioux Indians of North America had an intelligent system of jurisprudence, varying somewhat in the different bands, as our court practice varies in the several states, but nevertheless recognizing the same general principl ... Read more
In their primitive life the Sioux Indians of North America had an intelligent system of jurisprudence, varying somewhat in the different bands, as our court practice varies in the several states, but nevertheless recognizing the same general principles throughout the confederacy.1 It is not an easy thing to determine the laws or the practices of an unlettered people, who have abandoned the wild and primitive life to live under regulations prescribed by their conquerors, and who must depend upon tradition and recollection for the practices of the old life; but fortunately intelligent observers have from time to time, during the past two and one half centuries, noted their observations, and these, supplemented by the recollections of the older men now living, give to us a fairly clear understanding of the courts and the legal practices of these people. Less
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  • 21.904 KB
  • 24
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781318903160,
Marilynne Summers Robinson (born Nov 26, 1943) is an American novelist and essayist. In 2016, Robinson was named in Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people. Robinson began teaching at the...
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