The Big Brother: A Story of Indian War
by George Cary Eggleston 24 Jan, 2019
In the quiet days of peace and security in which we live it is difficult to imagine such a time of excitement as that at which our story opens, in the summer of 1813. From the beginning of that year, the Creek Indians in Alabama and Mississippi had s ... Read more
In the quiet days of peace and security in which we live it is difficult to imagine such a time of excitement as that at which our story opens, in the summer of 1813. From the beginning of that year, the Creek Indians in Alabama and Mississippi had shown a decided disposition to become hostile. In addition to the usual incentives to war which always exist where the white settlements border closely upon Indian territory, there were several special causes operating to bring about a struggle at that time. We were already at war with the British, and British agents were very active in stirring up trouble on our frontiers, knowing that nothing would so surely weaken the Americans as a general outbreak of Indian hostilities. Tecumseh, the great chief, had visited the Creeks, too, and had urged them to go on the war path, threatening them, in the event of their refusal, with the wrath of the Great Spirit. His appeals to their superstition were materially strengthened by the occurrence of an earthquake, which singularly enough, he had predicted, threatening that when he returned to his home he would stamp his foot and shake their houses down. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 331.026 KB
  • 182
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9780554184753
George Cary Eggleston American author and brother of fellow author Edward Eggleston. Sons of Joseph Cary Eggleston and Mary Jane Craig. After the American Civil War he published a serialized account o...
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