Wanderings in South America
By Charles Waterton 19 Feb, 2019
If critics are displeased with it in its present form, I beg to observe that it is not totally devoid of interest and that it contains something useful. Several of the unfortunate gentlemen who went out to explore the Congo were thankful for the inst ... Read more
If critics are displeased with it in its present form, I beg to observe that it is not totally devoid of interest and that it contains something useful. Several of the unfortunate gentlemen who went out to explore the Congo were thankful for the instructions they found in it; and Sir Joseph Banks, on sending back the journal, said in his letter: "I return your journal with abundant thanks for the very instructive lesson you have favored us with this morning, which far excelled, in real utility, everything I have hitherto seen." And in another letter, he says: "I hear with particular pleasure your intention of resuming your interesting travels, to which natural history has already been so much indebted." And again: "I am sorry you did not deposit some part of your last harvest of birds in the British Museum, that your name might become familiar to naturalists and your unrivaled skill in preserving birds be made known to the public." And again: "You certainly have talents to set forth a book which will improve and extend materially the bounds of natural science." Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 204.572 KB
  • 396
  • Public Domain Book
  • 2008-08-18
  • English
  • 1297444574
Naturalist and explorer Charles Waterton (1782-1865) was born in Yorkshire, England, to a family eminent in the service of the state. In 1796, he pursued higher studies at Stonyhurst, where he develop...
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