A Refutation of the Charges Made Against the Confederate States of America of Having Authorized the Use of Explosive and Poisoned Musket and Rifle Balls During the Late Civil War of 1861-65
By Horace Edwin Hayden 18 Feb, 2019
A Refutation of the Charges Made Against the Confederate States of America of Having Authorized the Use of Explosive and Poisoned Musket and Rifle Balls During the Late Civil War of 1861-65
A Refutation of the Charges Made Against the Confederate States of America of Having Authorized the Use of Explosive and Poisoned Musket and Rifle Balls During the Late Civil War of 1861-65 Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 21.422 KB
  • 13
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781613108185
Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden (1837–1917) was a member of the Southern Historical Society and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Corresponding Member of the New England Historical and Genealogical S...
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