Campaign of Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery
By Ezra Knight Parker 19 Feb, 2019
Brief Extract...I did not secure a single recruit, and when our battery was ordered to Blue Springs, I was only too pleased to turn over the office to a captain of infantry, who was as successful recruiting as I had been. Another little episode happe ... Read more
Brief Extract...I did not secure a single recruit, and when our battery was ordered to Blue Springs, I was only too pleased to turn over the office to a captain of infantry, who was as successful recruiting as I had been. Another little episode happened to me just before I entered upon the recruiting service. It became necessary for Captain Buckley to send to Knoxville a commissioned officer to report to General Burnside. Our pickets extended about two miles out from Loudon towards Knoxville, and from Knoxville toward Loudon about the same distance. The railroad was not in use at that time, so it was necessary to make the twenty-six miles outside of our lines. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 88.155 KB
  • 52
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1613107393
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