Amaryllis at the Fair
By Richard Jefferies 4 Dec, 2019
Amaryllis at the Fair (first published in 1887) portrays the highs and lows of everyday life on a small, debt-ridden family farm. At Coombe Oaks, Farmer Iden is out in all weathers, planting, and sowing; his wife is in the dairy or staving off credit ... Read more
Amaryllis at the Fair (first published in 1887) portrays the highs and lows of everyday life on a small, debt-ridden family farm. At Coombe Oaks, Farmer Iden is out in all weathers, planting, and sowing; his wife is in the dairy or staving off creditors; and their sensitive, artistic daughter, Amaryllis, is watching it all and praying for salvation. With a host of expertly-drawn minor characters, including miserly Grandfather Iden, loyal George the laborer and dissolute landowner's son Raleigh Pamment, Jefferies gives a rounded picture of a rural community - and in the noble Iden paints a fond portrait of his own farmer father... Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 704.245 KB
  • 274
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2010-07-27
  • English
  • 9780750900096
John Richard Jefferies (6 November 1848 – 14 August 1887) was an English nature writer, noted for his depiction of English rural life in essays, books of natural history, and novels. His childhood o...
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