Max Carrados
by Ernest Bramah 3 Dec, 2018
Max Carrados is the greatest detective you’ve never heard of. He may be blind, but what Carrados lacks insight he more than makes up for in perception. He can pick out a voice in a crowded room and read a book by running his fingers over the print. ... Read more
Max Carrados is the greatest detective you’ve never heard of. He may be blind, but what Carrados lacks insight he more than makes up for in perception. He can pick out a voice in a crowded room and read a book by running his fingers over the print. Those who underestimate his abilities are soon surprised by the keen Carrados. In one story, Carrados tracks down a criminal by analyzing a coin without ever leaving his study. Another finds him solving the mystery of a train accident that has far more to it than anyone expected. Bramah’s stories of Carrados regularly appeared in the Strand magazine, receiving top billing even over those of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 98.083 KB
  • 239
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2020-02-11
  • English
  • 1540371085
Bramah was a reclusive soul, who shared few details of his private life with his reading public. His full name was Ernest Bramah Smith. It is known that he dropped out of Manchester Grammar School at ...
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