By Anne Douglas Sedgwick 17 Jan, 2019
The massive lady had by now her little audience, cowed, if still slightly sulky, well in hand. She pointed out each notability to them, and indirectly, to all her neighbours. The Duchess of Bannister and Lady Champney, the famous beauty; the Prime Mi ... Read more
The massive lady had by now her little audience, cowed, if still slightly sulky, well in hand. She pointed out each notability to them, and indirectly, to all her neighbours. The Duchess of Bannister and Lady Champney, the famous beauty; the Prime Minister, whom the girls could have recognized for themselves, and Sir Alliston Compton, the poet. Had they read his sonnet to Madame Okraska, last year, in the "Fortnightly"? They had not. "I wonder who that odd looking girl is with him and the old lady?" one of them ventured. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
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  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 378.921 KB
  • 130
  • Public Domain
  • 2009-12-09
  • English
  • 150074543X
Anne Douglas Sedgwick (28 March 1873 – 19 July 1935) was an American-born British writer. The daughter of George Stanley Sedgwick, a businessman and Mary (Douglas) Sedgwick, she was born in Englewoo...
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