The challoners
By E. F. Benson 4 Sep, 2019
Brief Extract...Helen wore no hat, and the dusky, smoldering gold of her hair burned low over her forehead. Her eyelids, smooth with the unwrinkled firmness of flesh of twenty-two years, drooped low over her book, but between the lids there showed a ... Read more
Brief Extract...Helen wore no hat, and the dusky, smoldering gold of her hair burned low over her forehead. Her eyelids, smooth with the unwrinkled firmness of flesh of twenty-two years, drooped low over her book, but between the lids there showed a thin line of matchless violet. There were but a few pages more to read, and her underlip, full and sensitive in outline, quivered from time to time with the emotion that so filled her, and her breath came quickly through her thin nostrils. As she read on, her half-smoked cigarette dropped from between the fingers of her left hand and sent up little whorls of blue smoke as it lay unheeded on the grass, and her eyes grew suddenly dim. Then the last page was turned, and with a sudden sobbing intake of her breath, she closed the book. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 329.762 KB
  • 318
  • Public Domain Book
  • English
  • 978-1357120382
Edward Frederic Benson (24 July 1867 – 29 February 1940) was an English novelist, biographer, memoirist, archaeologist and short story writer.E. F. Benson was born at Wellington College in Berkshire...
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