The Eyes of the World
By Harold Bell Wright 21 Jan, 2019
Excerpt...........It was winter--cold and snow and ice and naked trees and leaden clouds and stinging wind. The house was an ancient mansion on an old street in that city of culture which has given to the history of our nation--to education, to re ... Read more
Excerpt...........It was winter--cold and snow and ice and naked trees and leaden clouds and stinging wind. The house was an ancient mansion on an old street in that city of culture which has given to the history of our nation--to education, to religion, to the sciences, and to the arts--so many illustrious names. In the changing years, before the beginning of my story, the woman's immediate friends and associates had moved from the neighborhood to the newer and more fashionable districts of a younger generation. In that city of her father's there were few of her old companions left. There were fewer who remembered. The distinguished leaders in the world of art and letters, whose voices had been so often heard within the walls of her home, had, one by one, passed on; leaving their works and their names to their children. The children, in the greedy rush of these younger times, had too readily forgotten the woman who, to the culture and genius of a passing day, had been hostess and friend. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 1496.958 KB
  • 336
  • Public Domain Books
  • 2020-01-06
  • English
  • 978-1442912366
Born in Rome, N.Y., The United States May 04, 1872 Died:May 24, 1944 Genre: Fiction, Literature & Fiction, Romance Harold Bell Wright was a best selling American author of the first part of the 2...
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