Unknown to History A Story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland
By Charlotte Mary Yonge 17 Dec, 2019
In p. 58 of vol. ii. of the second edition of Miss Strickland's Life of Mary Queen of Scots, or p. 100, vol. v. of Burton's History of Scotland, will be found the report on which this tale is founded. If circumstances regarding the Queen's captivi ... Read more
In p. 58 of vol. ii. of the second edition of Miss Strickland's Life of Mary Queen of Scots, or p. 100, vol. v. of Burton's History of Scotland, will be found the report on which this tale is founded. If circumstances regarding the Queen's captivity and Babington's plot have been found to be omitted, as well as many interesting personages in the suite of the captive Queen, it must be remembered that the art of the story-teller makes it needful to curtail some of the incidents which would render the narrative too complicated to be interesting to those who wish more for a view of noted characters in remarkable situations, than for a minute and accurate sifting of facts and evidence. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 397.509 KB
  • 474
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1849891981
Charlotte Mary Yonge was an English novelist who wrote to the service of the church. Her books helped to spread the influence of the Oxford Movement. Her abundant work is mostly out of print. Charlott...
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