A Man of the People; a Drama of Abraham Lincoln
By Thomas Dixon 15 Feb, 2019
PROLOGUE Set Scene: The rough-hewn log cabin of Tom Lincoln is seen in the center surrounded by the forest wilderness of Southern Indiana, 1820. The cabin door is cut in level with the ground. There is no shutter to the door and no window to th ... Read more
PROLOGUE Set Scene: The rough-hewn log cabin of Tom Lincoln is seen in the center surrounded by the forest wilderness of Southern Indiana, 1820. The cabin door is cut in level with the ground. There is no shutter to the door and no window to the cabin. Right and Left of the door opening are rude benches of split logs. On the walls are stretched a coon and a small bear, squirrel and muskrat skins. In the foreground on the right is seen an old-fashioned wash pot set on three stones. Near the wash pot is fixed in the ground a pole, on the top of which are hung six gourds cut for martin swallows to nest in. Beside it are a rude bench and two wash tubs. On the left is a crude settee made of a split log with legs set in augur holes and a rough back made of saplings. An old-fashioned doctor's saddle-bags hang across the back of the settee. The trees are walnut, beech and oak—undergrowth of dogwood, sumac and wild grapevines. These vines, festooned over the cabin, give a sinister impression. A creek winds down through the hills behind the cabin. At Rise: Sarah is seen softly tiptoeing toward the cabin door. She pauses, listens and slowly peeps inside. She listens again and then slips away and calls. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 134.557 KB
  • 182
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781373659392
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