A History of the Old English Letter
By Talbot Baines Reed 29 Aug, 2019
The Art of Letter Founding hesitated long before yielding to the revolutionary impulses of modern progress. While kindred arts - and notably that art which preserves all others were advancing by leaps and bounds, the founder, as late as half a centur ... Read more
The Art of Letter Founding hesitated long before yielding to the revolutionary impulses of modern progress. While kindred arts - and notably that art which preserves all others were advancing by leaps and bounds, the founder, as late as half a century ago, was pursuing the even tenor of his ways by paths which had been trodden by De Worde and Day and Moxon. But the inevitable revolution came, and Letter Founding to-day bids fair to break all her old ties and take new departures undreamed of by those heroes of the punch and matrix and mold who made her what we found her. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 6071.215 KB
  • 432
  • Public Domain Book
  • 2018-10-09
  • English
  • 978-1333542504
Talbot Baines Reed (3 April 1852 – 28 November 1893) was an English writer of boys' fiction who established a genre of school stories that endured into the second half of the 20th century. Among his...
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