Aventuroj De Antonio (Esperanto Edition)
by Omelka františek 28 Nov, 2018
His whole life to this day had been flowing through his thoughts during those brief moments before the wagon departed. When did he set out to travel? Oh, he remembers that beautiful evening when he took the travel description from Middle Asia in his ... Read more
His whole life to this day had been flowing through his thoughts during those brief moments before the wagon departed. When did he set out to travel? Oh, he remembers that beautiful evening when he took the travel description from Middle Asia in his hand! He no longer knows how it was inscribed. But so far he feels that emotion that seized him as he read about a dangerous expedition into the Himalayas, the highest mountain in the world. Even now he sees in front of the eyes the stray animals, which are falling from fatigue, and people dying from frost and unusual weather. Still, he admires the 6energetic commander of the expedition, who went ahead despite obstacles, having decided to risk his life to reach his goal. How beautiful, dangerous and heroic this was! And Antonio remembers how he then stopped reading and half-whispered: "Such a commander I would like to be!" Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 37.646 KB
  • 52
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781318903597,
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