Tales of Mean Streets
By Arthur Morrison 2 Jul, 2021
Short stories of the East End: at one time the slimy underbelly of London. The stories vary in style: from the gritty, no-holds-barred tale of Lizerunt, to the light humor of That Brute Simmons. Excerpt....  It was considere ... Read more

Short stories of the East End: at one time the slimy underbelly of London. The stories vary in style: from the gritty, no-holds-barred tale of Lizerunt, to the light humor of That Brute Simmons.


It was considered an intrepid thing for Walter Besant to do when, twelve or thirteen years ago, he invaded the great East End of London and drew upon its unknown wealth of varied material to people that most charming novel, "All Sorts and Conditions of Men." Until then the West End knew little of its contiguous neighbor in the East. Dickens's kaleidoscopic views of low life in the South of London were manifestly caricatures of the slum specimens of human nature which he purposely sought and often distorted to suit his bizarre humor.

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 227.127 KB
  • 120
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781409941729
Arthur George Morrison (1863-1945) was an English author and journalist, known for his realistic novels about London's East End and for his detective stories. In 1890, he left his job as a clerk at th...
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