A Broken Bond; Or, The Man Without Morals
By John R. Coryell 25 May, 2022
Excerpt.....Behind a big rock which looked down over the wide, straggling road that ran upward through the mountains crouched a long, lean figure. Snuggled against his right shoulder was a rifle, and the bearded face beneath the broad-brimmed panama ... Read more

Excerpt.....Behind a big rock which looked down over the wide, straggling road that ran upward through the mountains crouched a long, lean figure. Snuggled against his right shoulder was a rifle, and the bearded face beneath the broad-brimmed panama was turned toward the roadway below. The hot sun beat down remorselessly, and its blinding rays were reflected from the rocks. Perspiration poured down the man’s face, and now and then he moved impatiently to brush away some buzzing insect. His head was raised slightly above the level of the rock, and from his point of vantage a splendid panorama spread out beneath him.....

  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 413.567 KB
  • 146
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-9354207747
John Russell Coryell(December 15, 1851 – July15, 1924) was a prolific dime novel author. Like many other dime novelists Coryell also wrote under pseudonyms, his two main being Nicholas Carter and Be...
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