The Flexible Fodmap Diet Cookbook: Customizable Low-fodmap Meal Plans & Recipes For A Symptom-free Life
by Karen Frazier 2021-05-31 17:29:34
Other low-FODMAP cookbooks take a one-size-fits-all approach to IBS.The Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbookfocuses on your specific IBS symptoms with low-FODMAP diet variations proven to target your unique dietary needs. YouCANfind an eating plan that work... Read more

Other low-FODMAP cookbooks take a one-size-fits-all approach to IBS.The Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbookfocuses on your specific IBS symptoms with low-FODMAP diet variations proven to target your unique dietary needs. YouCANfind an eating plan that works for you and take your life back for good.

Living with Irritable Bowl Syndrome is uncomfortable, frustrating, and isolating. Figuring out which foods trigger symptoms (and avoiding them) can feel impossible. Many people with IBS are also affected by coexisting conditions-such as acid reflux, celiac disease, and food allergies-which exacerbate IBS symptoms that already require special dietary attention.

The Mayo Clinic recognizes the low-FODMAP diet as a proven means of treating IBS caused by FODMAP sensitivities. FODMAPs are hard-to-digest carbohydrates found in common foods such as wheat, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and sweeteners. Most of us consume FODMAPs so regularly we likely trigger IBS symptoms without knowing it.

WithThe Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbookyou''ll identify your personal food triggers by pinpointing which FODMAP group provokes your symptoms. The low-FODMAP recipes in this book accommodate coexisting conditions, as well as the needs of IBS-C (constipation-dominated IBS) and IBS-D (diarrhea-dominated IBS).

The solution presented inThe Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbookcovers three important steps:

  • STEP 1.CUSTOMIZE YOUR LOW-FODMAP MEAL PLANfrom the mix and match meal plans according to your personal needs. For example, if you suffer from IBS and GERD, choose Plan A, which excludes both FODMAPs and acid reflux food triggers. Plan B is a basic low-FODMAP meal plan, and Plans C and D offer low-FODMAP meal plans for sufferers of IBS-C, IBS-D, or IBD in remission.

  • STEP 2.ELIMINATE ALL FODMAP & FOOD TRIGGERSthat may cause an irritable bowel. Recipes include substitution tips for gluten or "Big 8" food allergens, and texture modification tips for IBS dominated by constipation or diarrhea.

  • STEP 3.IDENTIFY YOUR PERSONAL FOOD TRIGGERSby using the Food Reintroduction Worksheet to track your GI response as you gradually reintroduce FODMAPs one at a time.

Whether you suffer from IBS or from the combined symptoms of one or more co-existing conditions,The Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbookoffers you the knowledge, tools, and guidance you need to stop living in fear of food and start controlling your symptoms with the low-FODMAP choices you make.

  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • 206
  • Rockridge Press
  • December 20, 2016
  • 9781623158187
Karen Frazier is an intuitive energy healer, psychic medium, author, and musician. She writes books and articles about energy healing, crystals, sound healing, metaphysics, and the paranormal. As a pr...
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