by Joelle Steele 2020-05-03 00:37:58
I have come to realize that when I look at the people around me, I never saw anyone like me. I was in first grade when I really came around to seeing myself as different. I was teased before that moment but did not understand where and why that was h... Read more
I have come to realize that when I look at the people around me, I never saw anyone like me. I was in first grade when I really came around to seeing myself as different. I was teased before that moment but did not understand where and why that was happening. It was early part of the '70s decade, and Vietnam was slowly coming to a close and people have come to misunderstand the Asian culture and that we were not all one in the same just like European people are not ALL the same-different countries, different culture, different people, and different thinking. We all have one thing in common. We are HUMAN and a very social group. With being human comes making mistakes and learning about each other. Less
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • January 16, 2016
  • English
  • 383252c3-e46f-429c-bb53-9e35795dfba3
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