The Revolutionist's Handbook and Pocket Companion
By George Bernard Shaw 10 Dec, 2019
Excerpt.......If there were no God, said the eighteenth century Deist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Now this XVIII century god was deus ex machina, the god who helped those who could not help themselves, the god of the lazy and incapable. The ... Read more
Excerpt.......If there were no God, said the eighteenth century Deist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Now this XVIII century god was deus ex machina, the god who helped those who could not help themselves, the god of the lazy and incapable. The nineteenth-century decided that there is indeed no such god, and now Man must take in hand all the work that he used to shirk with an idle prayer. He must, in effect, change himself into the political Providence which he formerly conceived as god; and such change is not only possible but the only sort of change that is real. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 42.905 KB
  • 52
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1437891973
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 Nov 1950) was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to ...
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