Nibiru Rediscovery, A Lopsided Mars and Ancient Longitudes
by Gebhard Deissler 2021-04-12 23:07:15
Nibiru, a planet known to ancients, had disappeared from astronomy. Its rediscovery was heralded by finding its description in old Mesoamerican ruins. These ruins tell where Nibiru is at present and where it was when the ruins were built.
Nibiru, a planet known to ancients, had disappeared from astronomy. Its rediscovery was heralded by finding its description in old Mesoamerican ruins. These ruins tell where Nibiru is at present and where it was when the ruins were built. Less
  • Publication date
  • ISBN
  • January 15, 2016
  • 15598e14-81d5-45b1-8023-6684cd76fbff
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