Bygone Beliefs Being a Series of Excursions in the Byways of Thought
by H. Stanley Redgrove 19 Oct, 2018
BYGONE BELIEFS - ALCHEMY, MAGIC, TALISMANS, ETC BEING A SERIES OF EXCURSIONS IN THE BYWAYS OF THOUGHT By H.Stanley Redgrove Originally published in 1920, this rare early work on ancient beliefs is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. ... Read more
BYGONE BELIEFS - ALCHEMY, MAGIC, TALISMANS, ETC BEING A SERIES OF EXCURSIONS IN THE BYWAYS OF THOUGHT By H.Stanley Redgrove Originally published in 1920, this rare early work on ancient beliefs is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. Obscure Books Press have now republished it, using the original text and illustrations. The author was an expert in the study of superstitions and the occult, and wrote several books on these and other related subjects, as well as being a prolific contributor to The Occult Review. In this book he expounds on his opinion that there is a reason for every belief, even the most fantastic, and that it should be our objective to discover this reason. He considers that it is too easy for the superficial thinker to dismiss much of the thought of the past as mere superstition, not worth the trouble of investigation: but that is not scientific. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Publication date
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 144.225 KB
  • 288
  • Public Domain
  • 1998-02-01
  • English
  • 144373859X
Herbert Stanley Redgrove (1887-1943) was a chemist who helped to form the Alchemical Society in London. His works include: On the Calculation of Thermo-Chemical Constants (1909), Alchemy: Ancient and ...
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