A Girl of Virginia (1902)
by Lucy Meacham Thruston 19 Apr, 2019
"Lovely!" cried the girl enthusiastically, leaning a little further over the rail. A vine, which had climbed the round pillar and twined its tendrils about the porch's edge, set waving by the slight motion, sent a shower of scarlet leaves about the y ... Read more
"Lovely!" cried the girl enthusiastically, leaning a little further over the rail. A vine, which had climbed the round pillar and twined its tendrils about the porch's edge, set waving by the slight motion, sent a shower of scarlet leaves about the young man below; one fluttered upon his breast, he caught it and held it over his heart as if it were a message from her to him; and then he fastened it in his button-hole. The young woman laughed carelessly as he did so; she was too used to students to exaggerate the meaning of their words or deeds, and there was no answering flash in her gray eyes as she looked down on him. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 270.51 KB
  • 122
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781164527848,
Lucy Meacham Thruston, American author. member National Recreation Committee at Camp Meade.Thruston, Lucy Meacham was born on March 29, 1862 in King and Queen Company, Virginia, United States. Daughte...
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