A New Bat (Genus Pipistrellus) from Northeastern Mexico
By Rollin Harold Baker 20 Nov, 2018
Excerpt.......The eastern pipistrelle, Pipistrellus subflavus (Cuvier) in the western part of its range, occurs along the Río Grande and its tributaries as far west as northern Coahuila and Val Verde County, Texas. Specimens from those places repres ... Read more
Excerpt.......The eastern pipistrelle, Pipistrellus subflavus (Cuvier) in the western part of its range, occurs along the Río Grande and its tributaries as far west as northern Coahuila and Val Verde County, Texas. Specimens from those places represent a heretofore undescribed subspecies which may be named and described as follows: Pipistrellus subflavus clarus new subspecies Type.—Female, adult, skin and skull; No. 48270, Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist.; 2 mi. W Jiménez, el. 850 ft., Coahuila; 19 June 1952; obtained by Rollin H. Baker, original No. 2062. Range.—Known from northern Coahuila and adjacent parts of southwestern Texas. Less
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Rollin H. Baker passed away on 12 November 2007, 1 day after reaching his 91st birthday. Rollin was a living legend, famous for his pioneering research on biogeography and natural history of Mexican m...
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