Up The Baltic; Or, Young America in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark
By Oliver Optic 27 Aug, 2019
Up the Baltic, the first volume of the second series of “Young America Abroad,” like its predecessors, is a record of what was seen and done by the young gentlemen of the Academy Squadron on its second voyage to Europe, embracing its stay in the ... Read more
Up the Baltic, the first volume of the second series of “Young America Abroad,” like its predecessors, is a record of what was seen and done by the young gentlemen of the Academy Squadron on its second voyage to Europe, embracing its stay in the waters of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Agreeably to the announcement made in the concluding volume of the first series, the author spent the greater portion of last year in Europe. His sole object in going abroad was to obtain the material for the present series of books, and in carrying out his purpose, he visited every country to which these volumes relate, and, he hopes, properly fitted himself for the work he has undertaken. In the preparation of Up the Baltic, the writer has used, besides his own note-books, the most reliable works he could obtain at home and in Europe, and he believes his geographical, historical, and political matter is correct, and as full as could be embodied in a story. He has endeavored to describe the appearance of the country, and the manners and customs of the people, so as to make them interesting to young readers. For this purpose, these descriptions are often interwoven with the story or brought out in the comments of the boys of the squadron. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 738.267 KB
  • 398
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1523311378
William Taylor Adams (July 30, 1822 – March 27, 1897), pseudonym Oliver Optic, was a noted academic, author, and a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Adams was born in Medway, Mas...
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