If Your Baby Must Travel in Wartime
By Gluyas Williams 7 Feb, 2019
The seats are full. People stand and jostle one another in the aisle. Mothers sit crowded into single seats with toddlers or with babies in their laps. Three sailors occupy space meant for two. A soldier sits on his tipped-up suitcase. A marine leans ... Read more
The seats are full. People stand and jostle one another in the aisle. Mothers sit crowded into single seats with toddlers or with babies in their laps. Three sailors occupy space meant for two. A soldier sits on his tipped-up suitcase. A marine leans against the back of the seat. Some people stand in line for 2 hours waiting to get into the diner, some munch sandwiches obtained from the porter or taken out of a paper bag, some go hungry. And those who get to the diner have had to push their way through five or six moving cars. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 505.292 KB
  • 32
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 978-1376974416
Gluyas Williams (July 23, 1888 – February 13, 1982) was an American cartoonist, notable for his contributions to The New Yorker and other major magazines. He was also syndicated in a number of newsp...
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