Woman's Work in Music; Being an Account of Her Influence on the Art
By Arthur Elson 16 Jan, 2019
Being an Account of women's Influence on Art, in Ancient as well as Modern Times; A Summary of their Musical Compositions, in the Different Countries of the Civilized World; and an Estimate of Their Rank in Comparison with Those of Men.
Being an Account of women's Influence on Art, in Ancient as well as Modern Times; A Summary of their Musical Compositions, in the Different Countries of the Civilized World; and an Estimate of Their Rank in Comparison with Those of Men. Less
  • File size
  • Print pages
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • ISBN
  • 1015.984 KB
  • 326
  • Public Domain Books
  • English
  • 9781379177364,
Elson, Arthur, 1873-1940: American composers; a study of the music of this country, and of its future, (Boston, The Page company, 1914),...
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